Monday, July 21, 2008


Migraines oh Migraines I hate you you stink. I wish I could wash you away in the stink!

(can you name what I changed that from, I know my mom can)

I'm going to do some serious migraine thinking in the next month. Along with a food diary, and migraine diary (that keeps track of severity, length, weather surrounding, etc) I'm going to attempt going to sleep within the same time frame and waking up every day between 8 and 9. Even if I have a migraine. Not sure if I can do it...but I'm going to try. I need to be able to rule out sleep as a trigger. Being on a normal schedule should help some.

Its back to the place it was in Sac though where more often than not I'm in pain. Sitting here right now I'm shaking because my head hurts so bad. The light coming in from the windows is hurting so bad. But I'm up and functioning, not sleeping. Thats a plus, right?

I've also realized that if they keep on like this I will not be able to move to Wellington. That would just make them worse. The weather is worse there. I'm going to start researching some places. I still have so much I want to do in NZ though, so I'll see. Ok, thats it.

Again I'm going to try to attack the migraine issue and see if I can solve it...i don't need the answer handed to me on a silver platter...I can get there on my own. I'm gonna do it NOW... no opportunity wasted so I can talk to my doctor (she'll ask for my migraine diary, etc) and see if we need to change meds again, or what.

I'm sick of these damn migraines controlling my life. I had taken over and I won't let them creep back in to complete control.


Kathy Layne said...

Wash you away in the sink? Lol

Sounds like great goals. Proud of you.

Just a thought you might send a message to your doctor and get opinion since preventive doesn't seem to be working.

I would give anything to wave a magic wand and make them disappear. How about prayers?