Sunday, August 17, 2008

Week 4 Goals

August 17-23

Watch Olympics (ok, sorry, its important to me, I love it!)

do something on my list of to do in Coromandel

two 30 min walks

finish reading The Other Queen

finish CV (resume)

Research jobs in Welly/ start sending out CV (at least 3)

Research more about Welly

Oh, switch all my computer preset language to Aussie (they don't have NZ, i don't think) so I can make sure I'm spelling things properly if I'm sending things out... sounds silly but I've been in (british english countries for a year and haven't done it yet!)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

day two with really bad migraine...

its making my skin crawl.

it hurts.

a lot

I was up only enough to write the paper... whichdidn't take too long... thank god.. now backto sleep

Ugh... please medicine work....

I am healthy and happy

I am healthy I am healthy


Saturday, August 2, 2008

results week 2

Results of week two aren't as great as week 1. I tried extremely hard not to focus on my head. I was always thinking "i'm happy and healthy" and not bring the word migraine (as like draws like) into my mind. today was just too much, i couldn't do it. it got the most of me. (I guess today is the new week, but whatever). I did have headaches throughout the week from the weather

•One walk, 40 mins (again, small, attainable goal because weather is supposed to be really bad this week)... yeah, i did this

•fruits and veggies for snacks.... yeah, this wasn't good at all this week. the beginning of the week was fine. I always eat fruits but didn't do the veggie thing this week

•finish English class with a bang!.... just have one left.

•work on resume/cv for when I move... started this. Belinda is helping

•read part of a book for fun... been reading "The Other Queen"

•If weather permits (it looks bad for the whole week!) go to a place on my to do list in the Coromandel ... weather was crap all week...

•Be positive.. tried really hard to do this. it worked most of teh week... today the head was just too much

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Week 2 goals

Week TWO (July 27- Aug 2)

•One walk, 40 mins (again, small, attainable goal because weather is supposed to be really bad this week)

•fruits and veggies for snacks

•finish English class with a bang!

•work on resume/cv for when I move

•read part of a book for fun

•If weather permits (it looks bad for the whole week!) go to a place on my to do list in the Coromandel

•Be positive

Eh, those are really simple goals this week. I'm trying to set achievable goals. I know english is going to be a lot of my time this week. But then its done... so yay!

The Secret

I read The Secret last week.

What did I get out of it.

Just a reminder to think POSITIVE. Believe positive things.

I already have everything I want (money, posessions, perfect health) and that negative thinking brings negative results.

I know that. It is hard when one is in the midst of a migraine to stop and try to be positive. I'm working on it. I'm positive, happy and healthy! :-) hehe, nice, right?

Ok, so its a good (confusing but quick) read that is a reminder about positive thinknig in life.

Like draws like.

results of week 1

Here are my goals and how I did....
•Walk at least ONE time for 40 mins (like I said, i'm going to start small, and make it happen then add on!)-->Completed! I walked up Paku on Friday!

•Finish English paper by Friday night (and maybe the one I need to make up by Sunday night). --> not so much!

•Start researching jobs for Welly--> started

•Start researching housing for Welly--> wrote email to malcolm (he hasn't responded yet), and started looking

•Go to at least ONE place on my list of to-dos in the Coromandel (with or without the kiddos)--> Drove around on Friday. Saw Hot Water Beach (at the wrong time of day), Haihi Beach, and Cooks Beach, where I saw the Cooks Landing memorial. Or what I think is the cooks landing memorial? Not to sure on that... or I saw a different memorial that I'm going to claim is that one! Then took some pics at the ferry down from cooks beach, across from whitingia

•Try to eat VEGGIES if I need a snack--> yay, I did this. ate carrots, apples and bananas most of the week for snacks!

•Read a book for pleasure--> I read the Secret!

Monday, July 21, 2008


Migraines oh Migraines I hate you you stink. I wish I could wash you away in the stink!

(can you name what I changed that from, I know my mom can)

I'm going to do some serious migraine thinking in the next month. Along with a food diary, and migraine diary (that keeps track of severity, length, weather surrounding, etc) I'm going to attempt going to sleep within the same time frame and waking up every day between 8 and 9. Even if I have a migraine. Not sure if I can do it...but I'm going to try. I need to be able to rule out sleep as a trigger. Being on a normal schedule should help some.

Its back to the place it was in Sac though where more often than not I'm in pain. Sitting here right now I'm shaking because my head hurts so bad. The light coming in from the windows is hurting so bad. But I'm up and functioning, not sleeping. Thats a plus, right?

I've also realized that if they keep on like this I will not be able to move to Wellington. That would just make them worse. The weather is worse there. I'm going to start researching some places. I still have so much I want to do in NZ though, so I'll see. Ok, thats it.

Again I'm going to try to attack the migraine issue and see if I can solve it...i don't need the answer handed to me on a silver platter...I can get there on my own. I'm gonna do it NOW... no opportunity wasted so I can talk to my doctor (she'll ask for my migraine diary, etc) and see if we need to change meds again, or what.

I'm sick of these damn migraines controlling my life. I had taken over and I won't let them creep back in to complete control.