Saturday, July 26, 2008

results of week 1

Here are my goals and how I did....
•Walk at least ONE time for 40 mins (like I said, i'm going to start small, and make it happen then add on!)-->Completed! I walked up Paku on Friday!

•Finish English paper by Friday night (and maybe the one I need to make up by Sunday night). --> not so much!

•Start researching jobs for Welly--> started

•Start researching housing for Welly--> wrote email to malcolm (he hasn't responded yet), and started looking

•Go to at least ONE place on my list of to-dos in the Coromandel (with or without the kiddos)--> Drove around on Friday. Saw Hot Water Beach (at the wrong time of day), Haihi Beach, and Cooks Beach, where I saw the Cooks Landing memorial. Or what I think is the cooks landing memorial? Not to sure on that... or I saw a different memorial that I'm going to claim is that one! Then took some pics at the ferry down from cooks beach, across from whitingia

•Try to eat VEGGIES if I need a snack--> yay, I did this. ate carrots, apples and bananas most of the week for snacks!

•Read a book for pleasure--> I read the Secret!


Lena said...

YAY for completing most of the goals on your weeks list! That is great... i need to do things on my list wait i do not have a list...